We are Closed for the 2024 season. Thanks to all our customers for buying directly from the people that Bake, Make, or Grow the items being sold at this market.
It's time to look over seed catalogues for the 2025 season.
Prospective Vendors for the 2025 season, should contact
Mike at HiwayAutoService@yahoo.com
Or, Joanie at FireFlyTraditions@gmail.com
We are looking for a few good growers - If your garden is providing more produce than you can use, then come and sell your extra at the Cass Farmer’s Market. The only qualifications are to follow Cass Co. Health Department Rules and US weights & measures requirements. We require that you are the grower – no re-sellers. Join our small group while the season is just expanding. Contact Michael Snethen for reserving your booth.
Booth Rentals are full season $50, ½ season $25, or day trader $10.(Half season begins July 17)
All produce to be locally grown by the vendor.
All baked goods and crafts to be made by that vendor.
Continue to be aware of and follow all Cass Co. Health Dept, Mo. State, and Federal weights and measure rules.
For more information and to complete the application email Michael Snethen (HiwayAutoService@yahoo.com)
Breads and Baked Goods
Fees cover market advertising, canopy repairs, and parking lot rental.
If there is something you would like to buy at this market and you don't see it, ask someone. It could be coming soon from the garden, it could be baked for you next week, or handcrafted as you want.
If you can't wait for the growing season here is some photos from the past during the growing season.
Here are prize winning tomatoes from a past season. What will we see this year?
New Vendors are welcome !
We have booth spaces for rent, come sign up for yours.
Rule clarifications for what is allowed to be sold at market : no re-sale items, no imports, no garage sale type items. Craft items need to be made by that vendor (or family member), produce should be grown by the vendor or family member selling it, baked goods should be homemade by that vendor or family. Foods to follow all health codes by Cass Co Health Dept. Vendors are encouraged to read their rules carefully.
We are offering for sale many fine handcrafted gifts, edibles and plants at the Cass County Farmer's Market. Come early for the best selections.
Vendors, see rules for US weights and measures dept. (How to package and label produce)and Cass County health dept ( What canned goods are allowed without a certified kitchen and how to package and label baked goods)
Know what else we have at farmer's market? Free information, about plants, seeds, pests etc. For ideas about what plants to plant to feed bees so bees help your garden flourish, ask us. Want info on getting started in the egg business, ask Mike. Collectively we know a lot about growing.
Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/CassFarmers